Peace research, peace education, conflict resolution, peace stories, non-violent communication, diversity education resources, information, forums and a meeting place for the Peace Makers.
        "The Peace Maker SiTe"
    Peace Words
The Peace Maker SiTe - peace education and peace words
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The Peace Maker SiTe

Research Organization
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Ref. or Doc.

Peace Research References - here you will find reference listings of Peace Research from many places on our planet. These are all published or ongoing research into the different aspects of peace making and creating and keeping in place the conditions for peace.

The full text and/or abstracts are available for some articles where the author has permitted their work to be published electronically here. These are all copyrighted material, you are welcome to read the material on "The Peace Maker SiTe", however any other use requires permission of the author and a method of contact has been provided.
Quarterly we will publish a Peace Research "E-journal" with articles and findings selected from the work listed and submitted to this site.

If you know of peace research in progress or completed please submit a reference for the work. All references and material, whether submitted for listing in the references or for publication, must be completed or ongoing research.
( Opinon, theory, and other commentary are welcome in other areas of "The Peace Maker SiTe" such as the forums, and PEACE WORDS.)

We will soon start breaking out the references by category, plus you will be able to search by keywords.

The Peace Maker SiTe

The Peace Maker SiTe - peace education and peace words

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